Dr. Balbuena meets two US Senators

During his visit in the United States, Dr. Edgar S. Balbuena, University President, consecutively set a one-on-one meeting with the two senators in Texas, Sen. Carlos I. Uresti of Senate District 19 and Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. of Senate District 27, on July 8 and 9 respectively.

The said meeting focused on the resources that the two aforementioned sena-tors need for the development of their respective localities, believing that JRMSU gradu-ates can address such de-mand.


ENSUING FOR EXCELLENCE. Dr. Edgar S. Balbuena (left, left photo; right, right photo) proudly meets Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr.(right) of District 27 and Sen. Carlos Uresti (left) of Dis-trict 19, both from Texas, in mutual agreement for future employability of JRMSU graduates.
Sen. Uresti is currently developing his two district provinces: Odessa and Pecos, budgeting $89 billion annually. The stated amount is appropriated for the infrastructure, health and human services, homeland security, agriculture, and education of these two developing cities.

Due to this, his districts are in need of professional teachers, engineers, and nurses with master‘s degree; and skilled workers like carpenters, welders and drivers who were awarded already with TESDA‘s National Certificate Level II (NC II).

In like manner, Sen. Lucio, whose priorities centered on the economic development, health care, and public and higher education of his district, is seeking the same resources from the University President.

These two senators immediately responded Dr. Balbuena‘s request for a meeting, knowing of the latter‘s capability on provid-ing globally competitive and skillful graduates who can meet their expectations.

On the other hand, President Balbuena reassuringly told the senators that JRMSU does not only produce experts and competent graduates but also hardworking and dedicated workers in their field.

The meeting ended with each of the senator planning to visit JRMSU which was warmly encouraged by the President himself.

Aljay M. Ambos
The State Collegian