Office of the VPAA
Message from the Vice-President
Welcome to the Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines.
In a world where competition and competitiveness are realities, JRMSU has much to offer for you to succeed and find fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations.
Come to the university and you will experience for yourself what the institution has nurtured to show that here one gets real learning in life, for life, and for others.
Here you find the product of the concerted efforts of every JRMSUan in overcoming challenges for the realization of its vision, mission and objective. Where everyone is inspired because individually, one is expected to give so much not only for personal goals and interest but the interest of humanity.
Thank you.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Specific Functions and Duties
* Directly responsible to the President of the State University for carrying out all the educational policies, programs and projects of the State University.
* Supervises the curriculum development, instructional and other educational activities of the State University
* Presides at meetings of the Academic Council in the absence of the President of the State University.
* Sits as the chairman of the Committee on Faculty Performance Evaluation/Recruitment & Selection.
* Board For Faculty Hiring/Committee on Instructional Materials Development and Grievance Committee in the case of faculty.
* Exercises overall supervisory functions over Campus Administrators, Deans of the different colleges, Director for Student Affairs, Director for National Service Training Program, Director for Physical Education Sports and Athletics and Director for Instructional Material Development in the university.