College of Arts and Sciences

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences, Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City, Philippines.
As the associate dean, allow me to express my utmost gratefulness for spending precious time in visiting our page. This page gives us an avenue to serve quality education with vow and perseverance as our college embarks in the commitment not only edifying and teaching the minds of the students but also imparting the inner heart of them.
We believe that building character and courage partnered with the needed professional skills help and develop our students holistically and globally competitive in their respective crafts with the full support of the proficient faculty.
With this online, you will have an avenue to be updated and informed especially our different course offerings.
Associate Dean

College of Arts and Sciences envisions to become a world – class training center by providing committed and competent faculty, rigorous curriculum thereby producing talented and diversified student’s body.
College of Arts and Sciences commits to produce competent BSHRM, BS Tourism, AB Mass Communication graduates equipped with professional, technological knowledge, skills and values which can make them respond to the demands of competitive society in the line with instruction, extension, research and production.
1. Equip the students with the expedient tools and quality experiences to become professionals and socially-responsible individuals who will provide excellent leadership and expertise needed to sustain the holistic human development of the society and its citizen.
2. Deliver quality educational avenues that are responsive to the micro and macro social demands towards local sensitivity and global competence.
1. Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)
2. Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM)
3. Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (ABJ)
4. Diploma in Midwifery (DipMid)