CASSP confers Prof. Telen as Outstanding Student Services Head 2014
Prof. Jay D. Telen, the Dean of Student Affairs and Services of JRMSU- Main Campus, Dapitan City was bestowed by the Center for Accreditation of Student Services in the Philippines (CASSP) as Outstanding Student Services Head 2014 in the recently concluded Search for the Outstanding Student Services Heads 2014, one of the highlights in the 2nd Philippine Higher Education Conference of Student Services Heads held at Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center, Butuan City last August 29-31, 2014.

Prof. Telen highlighted the Automated School Bell System as the landmark project /program that he has authored and implemented in the university as student services head.
The said system which is in consonance with the strict observance of the Philippines Standard Time as mandated in R.A. 10535 other-wise known as ―The Philippines Standard Time (PST) Act of 2013‖, promptly and orderly implements the class schedules of the students and faculty members.
“I should say that the leadership skill I possess is indeed a gift of life – a gift to celebrate, a gift to be shared, treasured and nurtured. Service to the people, to the institution and to the community as a whole is indeed my passion.”
This was the opening statement of Prof. Telen in his essay on his leadership qualities and contributions to the student services in his entry in the search.
The applicants of the said search were evaluated and selected according to their demonstrated contributions to the field of student services which includes: the promotion of diversity and inclusion; active participation in community service; implementation of sustainability education and practice; leadership in student organization or community-wide activities; promotion of a positive image of the school; a written 500-word essay in English describing how the applicant has fulfilled and planned to continue performing the student services.
The said search aims to encourage development and promote quality student services, accountability and transparency to all student services heads, guidance counselors, school registrars, campus security chiefs and school librarians.
Kim Lawrence P. Erquita
The State Collegian