Seven faculty present internat’l research paper forum

by: Shimei Zulueta
Seven faculty members of Jose Rizal Memorial State University of Dipolog Campus had triumphantly presented their respective research studies during the 16th Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) International Learning and Sharing Forum held at Dakak Park and Beach Resort, Dapitan City last February 5-8 this year.
The three-day event, with the strong effort of JRMSU bearing the theme, “Sustainability in Higher Education for Asia- Pacific Region: Collaboration in a Complex Adaptive Environment,” was attended by the professors from the different higher educational institutions across the Asia-Pacific Region led by the System President, Dr. Daylinda Luz R. Laput as the host President of the said endeavor.
With the seven JRMSU mentors, three of them were oral presenters namely; Dr. Elsie P. Sandueta with her study, “Equitable Domination in Some Graphs”, Mr. Eduardo C. Mira on “Linguistic Modalities on National Dailies”, and Mrs. Daryl Ann V. Cuivillas with her paper “Riparian Flora and Fauna Composition of Layawan River”.
On the other hand, four faculty made their poster presentations. They were Dr. Felipe A. Pialago and Mrs. Jograce E. Regencia on their study “Mobile Control Switching Device: An Innovation”, Mrs. Gemma M. Solidum on “Status and Problems Encountered by the Street Vendors: Bases for Proposed Policy Enhancement”, and Prof. Lorenzo Sugod with his research “Electronic Solar Tracker for Photovoltaic System”.
During the international gathering, five brilliant keynote speakers shared their respective insights before having series of plenary sessions. They were Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, the AUAP Second Vice-President and Chairman of Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr. Luis Maria Calingo, University President of Holy Angel University, Angeles, Pampanga and former President of Woodbury University, Burbank Los Angeles and San Diego, California, Mr. Kok Yin Lau, Managing Director of Krempi Communication International, Singapore, Dr. Roberto N. Padua, the former CHED Commissioner now the consultant, Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, the President of the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC).
The host President expressed her grateful gratitude to the AUAP officials for having this esteemed convergence in the Philippines particularly in Dapitan City as this was one of the best learning avenues to expand and to link more universities especially in the field of research.